Posted by Brian Nicar on May 13, 19102 at 10:53:44:
In Reply to: Holliday, Hobbs, Morgan,McGraw, Kincaid,Haynes posted by Frances Holliday Shafer on March 15, 19102 at 22:41:24:
My great grandmother, Lennie Loranza Jane McGraw, is also Purported to be a full-blood Cherokee. I haven't been able to find anything except the record of her death. That is not surprising if she is trully a Cherokee. Post removal, many families hid their identities from the government and moved off the established reservations. You migh try the Dawson-Guillon Rolls (Census of the Indian Territory 1876-1910 [I think]). Also, "McGraw" is originally "McCraw" to my understanding. Don't guess this helps much.
Brian Nicar
: I think all of my ancesters listed above came into Greenbrier & Fayette Co.WV from Virginia.I was always told that my Great Grandmother, Francina McGraw who married Abel Holliday, was part Cherokee Indian. Does anyone out there know anything?